


PREDICT combines conventional mechanical vision sensors and damage prediction and detection models for optimum risk management and increased machines life at the factory of the future.

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Maintenance costs hold 15-40% of the total production cost in the Industry. In addition, due to the economic crisis, investment in new equipment is decreasing and the need to use the existing one at its highest possible output and its maximum possible life span is increasing, with the risk, however, of increased production disturbance due to increased failures.

This makes evident the need for introducing new strategies and tools in production lines, in order to:

  • reduce maintenance work to the absolute necessary, based on the present and future machinery status, ensuring uninterrupted operation

  • reduce equipment parts replacement cost and extent life span and performance

  • detect the failure risk, predict and manage their appearance based on their criticality and impact on production

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Project Impact

Main expected impact from the PREDICT operation in the Industry, and (and wider impact in the Greek and the European economy), include



reduction in equipment downtime


failure reduction


reduction in maintenance cost



reduction in production cost.


cost reduction resulted from equipment breakdowns